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We work to bring faith, hope, and love to individuals caught in the prison systems in order to support their re-entry into society to help reduce recidivism.

Dealer Counting Money
Buddies on a balcony


1) Media Educational Library for Inmates

2) Religious Services and Visitations by our trained volunteers. Our aim every week is to encourage

them towards faith, hope, and love.  

3) First Minute-First Hour-First Day Program: Upon release, we walk alongside them the first minute, hours, and day of re-entry as they work to re-assimilate to life on the outside. Whether it's a familiar face, being a caring coach, or just as a listening ear - having someone consistent both pre-release and post-release is great encouragement for these individuals in transition.


We serve in San Mateo County on the San Francisco Peninsula, primarily in Redwood City at the Maples Correctional Center, and Maguire Correctional Center.

Image by Hasan Almasi
Image by Rajesh Rajput

HEBREWS 13:1-3

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."

San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

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